Activity village writing paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Executing Strategies in a Global Environment Essay
Dynamic This paper will investigate Federal Expresss esteem creation boondocks, and figure out which of the four structure squares of upper hand the organization needs so as to proceed with their better than expected benefit. It will likewise investigate the primary part of item separations and limit control of the organization to keep up an edge on their opponents. Besides, for this task I will endeavor analyze the effectiveness of FedExs current plan of action and suggest another business level system that will give Federal Express an upper hand over it rivals. Likewise, this paper will likewise inspect the way where generally speaking, worldwide rivalry may impact my suggested business methodology and I will recommend a critical way that Federal Express can go up against its worldwide rivalry. Presentation Government Express started working in 1973, under the administration of Fred Smith Jr. Prior to Federal Express, a significant part for little bundling airfreight flew on business traveler flights. Fred Smith accepted that these two administrations ought to be dealt with in an unexpected way, in light of the fact that the business traveler and load shipper had various necessities. The business traveler they needed the comfort of daytime flights. With respect to the payload shippers, they favored night administrations, which would bear the cost of them late evening pickups and 24 hour conveyance (Hill,2013). Since little bundle airfreight just went out dependent on the business flight booking, it was hard for freight shippers to accomplish 24 hour conveyance. To cure the transportation issue payload shippers had Smith planned to fabricate a framework that could accomplish 24 hour conveyance of little bundle airfreight (Hill,2013). Today Federal Express has developed from an expedited service organization to a worldwide strategic and flexibly chain the board organization (Crane, et al., 2003). Throughout the years Federal Express had the option to develop through acquistions and huge investmenst in data technoloy. The organization was additionally ready to stand apart from the lay best on their plan of action work freely, contend on the whole. Smith portioned his compnay into 6 different component FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, and FedEx Services, which permitted every part to concentrate all alone maket fragment. By dividing of every part it gave Federal express the oppurtunity to concentrate more on client. Despite the fact that Federal Express 6 distinct parts worked seperatley the contended together under FedEx Corporation. Government Expresss Value Creation Frontier and Their Four Building Blocks of Competitive Advantage Federal Express productivity relies upon three factors: The worth a clien t puts on their administrations, the value Federal Express charges for their administrations, and the cost Federal Express needs to bring about to deliver the administrations they give (Hll and Jones, 2013). The more good these elements are the more worth is offered on Federal Expresss item. To precisely esteem, a companys item the executives must recognize the contrast among utility and value (Hill and Jones, 2013). Utility is the clients fulfillment or satisfaction with utilizing or possessing a companys item or administrations. Government Express has gotten down to business by making dispatching simpler and advantageous for their client. Today we can discover drop off boxes before places of business and little neighborhood transporting stores. Having drop off boxes offers the client whenever drop offs and no holding up time. Government Express has likewise put vigorously in advancement to add to the clients experience (Crane, et al., 2003). The choice of remote innovation and the capacity to follow conveyances and calendar singles out the companys site gives the client transporting directly readily available. For their worldwide client Federal Express can offer delivery choice to in excess of 200 organizations. The costs Federal Express set for their administrations are higher than huge numbers of their rivals. Government Express evaluating is viewed as a top notch, which mirrors the great degree of administration FedEx gives (Crane, et al., 2003). In light of FedEx position, their excellent valuing is justified, despite all the trouble, however they neglect to understand their extremely value delicate client who may go with a progressively less expensive alternative for specific administrations (UPS). For this situation it make it hard for Fedex to champion dependent on marking and the amenties they offer. They may need to think about an alternate method to differeinate themselves from the competitior. Since Federal Expresss development and client, fulfillment accompanies a significant expense tag. Their arrival on contributed capital (ROIC) is low contrasted with its greatest rival UPS. In 2011, FedEx ROIC was 7.41% and UPS was 19.39% (Hill, 2013). Some state in time the cash FedEx spent to develop their organization, innovation foundation, and consumer loyalty may before long result. The other positive side is that FedEx spending and securing costs have made it difficult for new organizations to enter and contend in the bundling business Along with esteem creation, an organization must exceed expectations in the four structure square of upper hand proficiency, quality, advancement, and client responsiveness. How well an organization acts in these four zones will decide their productivity and upper hand over the contender. These four conventional structure squares are a result of a companys unmistakable abilities, which will permit an organization to separate its item and lower its cost structure (Hill and Jones, 2013). Thusly, support an upper hand and better benefit results over their rival. While deciding a companys proficiency we can take a gander at the stuff (contributions) to create an item or administrations (yields). As indicated by Hill and Jones, the more proficient an organization is the less sources of info it required to deliver a specific yield. The most widely recognized approach to gauge a companys proficiency is through representative efficiency the out sulk delivered per worker (Hill and Jones, 2013). While inspecting FedEx productivity they were the main bundling organization to put resources into innovation that empowered their workers to get to organization data remote 24 hours every day. This remote component likewise permits the worker to gather bundling information, which permits representatives to rapidly enter bundles into the companys bundle following framework, which diminishes the chance of blunder (Crane, et al., 2003). Concerning FedEx administration, they can be audit by its highlights, execution, toughness, dependability, style, and configuration (Hill and Jones, 2013). These highlights are utilized by clients to decide the quality degree of the administrations that are offered by FedEx. In view of FedExs history, spending to fabricate its foundation, and premium estimating FedEx is focused on offering a support of top notch standings. FedEx has additionally put vigorously in new advancements, which will improve their administrations, make it progressively dependable, and important to its clients (Amsler, Cullen, and Erdmenger, 2010). A model that show FedEx is about quality is their innovation endeavors, for example, following conveyances on their site, and offering helpful delivery at the clients fingertips. As referenced before FedEx is about development. They are into making new services and procedures to make delivering simple and advantageous for their clients. One of their significant speculations is the joint endeavor with University of Memphis. College of Memphis and FedEx have joined and framed the FedEx Institute of Technology. This venture will guarantee that FedEx won't be allowed in dull with regards to new innovation (Crane, et al., 2003). With regards to consumer loyalty FedEx attempts to distinguish their client needs. FedEx heard the clients requested for an increasingly advantageous method of delivery. FedEx has expanded drop off occasions by three hours, offer drop off boxes, and the capacity for client to plan pickups on FedExs site. The main disappointment is the superior valuing set on their administrations. FedEx neglect to hold fast to the requests of their cost delicate clients. These are the clients who just consideration about modest conveyance administrations. This gathering of individuals may utilize FedEx if all else fails for their delivery needs. Item Differentiation The thought behind item separation is making an item that fulfills the clients needs (Hill and Jones, 2013). All together for an organization to acquire an upper hand they should offer an item that preferred satistfies the clients need over its adversary. At the point when an organization makes a stratergy that includes advancement, execellence, quality, and client responsiveness they are offering custumers separation item. When the a companys stratergy is tied in with discovering approaches to expand effectiveness and reliablity to decrease cost they are offering the client low estimated item (Hill and Jones,2013). On account of Federal Express their stratergy isn't tied in with offering a low valued item, yet offering an item that is creative, satisfies a high guideline of execellence, high caliber, and putting together the item with respect to the clients need. Government Express comprehended the significance of separation. Since their technique did not depend on offering a low costing item Federal Express needed to concentrate on data innovation. Today clients are keen on observing their shipments, evaluating appearance times, cost and cost of shipments. These components are imperative to most organizations and purchasers just as the security of their conveyance (Crane, et al., 2003). To fulfill the requirements of their clients and to stand apart from their rival FedEx has invested intensely in the innovation framework, which gives alternatives to clients to follow and approve shipments at their PC. Government Express endeavors to make a great degree of administration that is hard for their opponent to coordinate (Crane, et al., 2003). Throughout the years, FedEx has been known as a trailblazer in the delivery area, and giving a significant level of value administrations. Due to FedExs more significant expenses the degree of servi
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Techniques Used in the Great Gatsby
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. England: Penguin, 1926. 1. Perspective †the view or viewpoint of how the story is described (I. e first individual) â€Å"Only Gatsby, the man who gives his name to this book, was absolved from my response †Gatsby, who spoke to everything for which I have an unaffected disdain. †(pg. 8) †¢ This epic is described from a first individual perspective. Scratch Carraway is both a storyteller and a character member in the story.Seen that this novel is for the most part about Jay Gatsby and how what befalls his life is described to speak to general subjects, there could be no other storyteller than the character who is Gatsby’s neighbor, and somebody who proclaims to be liberated from any previously established inclinations or decisions because of a significant exercise his dad educated him. Scratch Carraway is by all accounts a storyteller absolved from inclination because of this part of his profile, and he leaves clear what are his particular assessments or perceptions. 2. Tone †all through the implication and meaning of words, it is the thing that gives a mind-set or disposition to the story No †Gatsby turned out good toward the end; it is the thing that went after Gatsby, what foul residue coasted in the wake he had always wanted that briefly finished off my enthusiasm for the fruitless distresses and short-winded euphorias of men. †(pg. 8) †¢ The storyteller keeps his tone consistently dry and sensible. This enables the perusers to comprehend that despite the fact that this appears to be a sentimental story due to Gatsby’s genuine love for Daisy and his interest for his fantasy, it is totally sucked in by reality from start to finish. At the point when the storyteller discusses love or dream he doesn't romanticize them by utilizing words with positive connotation.He is clear and succinct about the connection between the individuals who love and how they love. In th e model above for instance, the storyteller sticks on to thwarted expectation and even negativity as he portends Gatsby’s destiny. 3. Symbolism †the making of a psychological picture through nitty gritty depiction â€Å"It escaped us at that point, yet that’s regardless of †tomorrow we will run quicker, loosen up our arms farther†¦ And one fine morning †So we beat on, pontoons against the current, borne back endlessly into the past. †(pg. 188) †¢ In this section the creator can make two clear mental pictures to pass on his message.One is of men extending further and running quicker †however we can picture that his actual goal is to recommend that humankind is attempting to get a handle on what appears to be a long way from their range, as Gatsby attempting to get a handle on his American Dream all through five years of his life. The subsequent symbolism is of the vessel tiredly pushing against the solid current, and with that any p eruser can comprehend that people need to endeavor against the harsh society so as to follow what they really need. 4. Image †utilizing one littler plan to speak to a bigger one â€Å"Gatsby put stock in the green light, the orgastic future that step by step retreats before us. (pg. 188) †¢ The hues in this novel are utilized to speak to more prominent thoughts or they give explicit significances to characters’ profiles or nature in every scene. Right then and there, the green light Gatsby has confidence in is his fantasy. The shading green itself is a portrayal of expectation or confidence. Likewise, in a particular piece of the novel, the light emanating from Daisy’s house has a greenish tint, supporting the way this is the thing that he has ached such a great amount for. 5. Incongruity †when there is a result of occasions that is inverse to what was normal at first The pastor looked a few times at his watch, so I approached him and approached him to sit tight for thirty minutes. Be that as it may, it wasn’t any utilization. No one came. †(pg. 181) †¢ This statement is comparable to Gatsby’s burial service. This can be viewed as an incongruity since toward the starting the feeling that Nick had about Gatsby was that he had numerous companions and was very famous because of the considerable number of gatherings he tossed at his home. However, when he bites the dust and has effectively offer to society, he is separated from everyone else and none of the a lot of individuals who went to his gatherings even wants to think about it or recalls that him at that point. 6.Mispronunciation †when words or full sentences are composed precisely as they sound to stress the tone and profile of the character â€Å"Oh, my Ga-od! Gracious, my Ga-od! Goodness, my Ga-od! Gracious, my Ga-od! †(†¦) â€Å"What you need, fella? †â€Å"What occurred? †that’s what I need to know. †⠀Å"Auto hit her. Ins’antly slaughtered. †â€Å"Instantly killed,†rehashed Tom, gazing. â€Å"She ran out ina street. Bastard didn’t even stopus vehicle. †(pg. 145-146) †¢ Being a reasonable novel, Fitzgerald bargains to each little detail of the real world. In this model, perusers can without much of a stretch see the distinction in highlight and way to express the three individuals having a dialogue.The official, being from a lower social class, and along these lines comprehensibly less taught, skips sounds when he says certain words, for example, â€Å"ins’antly†rather than quickly, â€Å"fella†rather than individual and â€Å"stopus†rather than halted. With these errors Fitzgerald empowers a brief and imprudent discourse. Wilson’s quote (â€Å"Oh, my Ga-od! †) additionally informs a ton concerning the character and legitimizes the homicide before the finish of the book. He is additionally par t of the unpleasant, low class, uneducated, and for this situation irate and desperate.The official and Wilson remain as differentiation to Tom who presents a total and familiar discourse that demonstrates that his riches got him instruction. 7. Redundancy †to utilize a similar word, expression or sentence over and again for accentuation or another reason â€Å"In his blue nurseries (†¦) I watched his visitors (†¦) or taking the sun on the sweltering sand of his sea shore while his two speedboats cut the waters (†¦) On ends of the week his Rolls-Royce (†¦) while his station wagon hastened like an energetic yellow bug to meet all trains. †(pg. 45) †¢ In this entry perusers can unmistakably see the reiteration of the possessive pronoun â€Å"his†.Fitzgerald decides to do this in this particular part in light of the fact that the storyteller is portraying one of the gatherings at Gatsby’s house. By rehashing that everything is â€Å" his†, or has a place with him, the storyteller underscores Gatsby’s copious riches. Fitzgerald is making the picture of a rich and garish man. 8. Flashback †the account of an occasion outside the current timetable so as to give foundation data to the occasions â€Å"James Gatz †that was truly, or possibly lawfully, his name. He had transformed it at seventeen years old (†¦)†(pg. 104) Throughout the novel there are numerous accounts being told about what Jay Gatsby’s past resembled, and what caused him to become who he is currently. Gatsby himself tells Nick in the current timetable of the story, a particular adaptation of how he was instructed and how he got affluent. It is at long last because of this flashback that the perusers become familiar with the precise anecdote about Gatsby’s life, including how he earned his cash. 9. Charactonym †when a character’s name has some hugeness to his profile in the novel â€Å"Iâ₠¬â„¢ve heard it said that Daisy’s mumble was distinctly to make individuals lean toward her; a superfluous analysis that made it no less enchanting. (pg. 15) †¢ The character Daisy Buchanan can be contrasted with the genuine bloom â€Å"daisy†. Much the same as the most well-known daisy, the one that is yellow within and white outwardly, the character seems, by all accounts, to be something that she isn't. She utilizes unreasonable measure of white powder to demonstrate her virtue and honesty, yet inside she is cynical and shallow. Like a blossom, she is fragile, beguiling and excellent, yet all through the novel she ends up being keen on riches and extravagance, and thinks little of Gatsby’s genuine affection. 10.Dramatic incongruity †when the perusers know something about the plot that at least one characters probably won't know â€Å"Was Daisy driving? †â€Å"Yes,†he said after a second, â€Å"but obviously I’ll state I was. †(pg. 150) †¢ In this entry the perusers discover that despite the fact that it was Gatsby’s vehicle being driven, it was really Daisy who was driving it and who was blameworthy of slaughtering Myrtle Wilson. On the off chance that Mr. Wilson had thought about this the completion would be diverse since he would not have murdered Gatsby. Daisy’s shallow character shielded her from expecting the fault, and rather she simply moved away with Tom to escape from the blame.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Startup Hubs Around the World New York
Startup Hubs Around the World New York 1. LOCATIONLocated on the eastern coast of the United States, this financial district is home to one of the leading start-up hubs in the world. As the city that never sleeps, New York is more than a tourist attraction. It is a convenient location near the coast of the United States, as well as a travel hub for almost everywhere in the world.For European companies interested in expanding into the United States, New York is a direct flight and is easily accessible. With shorter international and domestic flights, start-up companies can reach investors and employees without additional time zone crunching.A bustling metropolis, New York offers relocating employees a wealth of opportunities to take advantage of outside of work. For the young entrepreneur, working hours can be thought of as waking hours: whenever you are awake, you’re working. This creates an environment where it is completely reasonable to be working on a new coding sequence until 2 a.m. and suddenly realize that you ar e starving. Finding a restaurant open at that time of the morning? Not a problem for the start-up based in New York.The streets in New York are a cross section of cultures and industries and have become rich in potential for start-ups. This climate of diversity lends itself to creativity and innovation unlike any other location. With the wide range of cultures all centrally located around the city, start-ups can draw on the rich heritage of the city to springboard their way to success and appeal to the broader public. In addition, the diverse cultural atmosphere of the city gives a multi-cultural appeal to the developers and programmers who may be moving to New York.Another aspect of location is the process of getting your product into consumer’s hands. As a major hub of the United States, New York city is both an airport terminal and a shipping terminal. This can benefit the start-up that is outsourcing product around the world in large quantities; shipping via barge to China or other factories can be handled easily from the city. This reduces costs, transit time and complications as everything is near the company headquarters.2. TAX INCENTIVESNew initiatives make New York tax incentives increasingly attractive to start-up corporations. Start-Up NY has been touted as the most ambitious growth plan New York has seen. Developing specific tax free zones, the governor of NY has set his sights on an active, evolving start-up market that draws on the resources within the state. Designed to correlate to schools and colleges, the plan allows for a relationship between business and education that is focused on enterprise. The tax free zones are alWith the development of Start-Up NY’s tax free areas, businesses are encouraged to take advantage of the deductions, credits and exemptions the state offers. In an effort to develop and keep businesses, the tax free zone allows businesses to eliminate tax liability when they operate within a specified tax free district. T his incentive applies to organization tax and license fees, commuter transportation taxes, real estate taxes and personal income taxes.Critics of the tax free zones claim that the political posturing that results from these zones is the only real benefit. They criticize the plan as being so stringent and narrow in scope that very few will actually be able to take advantage of them. In addition, they are skeptical that the areas established as tax free zones will be locations that companies will want to operate in. The nay-sayers are vocal in their dismay over what seems to be a lot of big talk with very few actual positive results.Advocates for the plan, however, are hopeful that the new focus on attracting start-ups to the New York area will bring a new surge of companies. It may not be a perfect plan, but is the first in what appears to be a long standing plan to improve the New York landscape with innovation and progress. They are adamant that by offering tax incentives to compan ies, the companies will be more likely to choose the New York area for their location.3. LEGAL INCENTIVESSpecific legal incentives for New York’s start-up hub are not as robust as other areas. The recent Start-Up New York initiative is beginning to change the incentives available but the process can be slow. However, due to the overall importance of the city, NY boasts branches of some of the largest law firms in the country. Having well-qualified legal counsel nearby gives start-up providers the guidance and backing they need to secure investments and funding in a legally binding transaction. Start-ups can choose from some of the largest names in legal counsel to help guide them through the process of developing their company. As more start-ups flock towards New York, the lawyers who have specialized in the start-up regulations will become more commonplace.4. AVAILABILITY OF INVESTORSAs a financial powerhouse, New York has some of the leading Venture Capital firms, angel investor s and other equity investors already in the area â€" making it easier to promote the start-up to potential investors. Having a ‘home town’ advantage can be huge when considering approaching investors â€" they like to feel as though they can keep an eye on their investment easily if it is located within a short cab ride.Another benefit to the New York start-up hub is the convergence of several key areas: fashion, finance, media, and advertising all within the city. This creates an atmosphere where collaboration or key partnerships can easily be formed, increasing the potential for success. The overall importance of innovation in all areas means that there is a wealth of investors who are looking for a diverse portfolio. Venture capital firms are beginning to notice the entrepreneurial atmosphere that is rising in New York and have begun to put their money towards encouraging that growth. Within the last few years, venture investors have put more money into New York start-ups than Silicon Valley. This indicates a growing recognition that there are innovations taking place in the Big Apple that aren’t being seen in other places around the world.New York investors are relatively new to the start-up investing world. With that in mind, it is foolish to try to compare the investment strategies and successes of the long-established Silicon Valley with the relatively inexperienced New York market. Most tech start-ups don’t begin to truly reach their potential until after they have been working for at least 10 years. New York’s start-up history has not had enough time to fully develop, so the successes are still few. The challenge for New York investors will be to hold onto their investments long enough to see the larger payoff that some of the big Silicon Valley companies have become famous for.Funding Availability in New York 5. AVAILABILITY OF LOCAL RESOURCES AND WORKFORCEThe diversity of New York’s citizenship allows for newly arrived immigrants and comp anies to feel at home. There are a diverse number of cultural opportunities which will help make the company owner and potential employees feel at home in the Big Apple.In addition, the nearby colleges and universities add to the quality of academic resources available for the start-up. This pool of well-educated personnel can improve training opportunities; and provide an ever ready collection of readily available staff or consultants. Established networks among students will extend far beyond the walls of the classroom, as students become employees and then entrepreneurs. The connections that they make can last for years, and can become the potential for collaboration and future jobs.With several recent start-up success stories located in the New York area, web developers are increasingly attracted to the modern city. As an added bonus, while some of the larger tech companies establish offices in the New York area, growing pools of engineers have moved into the area to work. Bro ught in to work at companies like Facebook and Twitter, the developers, programmers and engineers relocate to the Big Apple. As a result, other companies have begun to take advantage of the growing tech workforce. Building on the success of other start-ups, commerce has begun to realize that start-ups can succeed among the high rises.6. SPECIALIZATION When one thinks of New York City, towering skyscrapers, serious businessmen in black suits rushing off to do important financial work and shoppers clutching bags from the largest names in fashion comes to mind. New York’s image does not lend itself to being a start-up destination, despite their heavy financial industry. Boasting a landscape that includes branches of some of the largest companies in the world, it seems as though any company that wishes to succeed eventually comes to New York City. These companies are generally started elsewhere before finally expanding to include a New York branch. Historically known as one of the worst places to start a business, New York is taking steps to change that designation with a plan to attract businesses to the state and generate business revenue. What factors are helping New York edge out the competition in the start-up hub wars? Are there specific indicators to look for that can demonstrate a new king of the start-up hill? © | dibrovaIn this article, we look at six essential elements of New York City as any start-up location that must be evaluated: 1) location, 2) tax incentives, 3) legal incentives, 4) availability of investors, 5) local resources workforce, and 6) specialization.1. LOCATIONLocated on the eastern coast of the United States, this financial district is home to one of the leading start-up hubs in the world. As the city that never sleeps, New York is more than a tourist attraction. It is a convenient location near the coast of the United States, as well as a travel hub for almost everywhere in the world.For European companies interested in expanding into the United States, New York is a direct flight and is easily accessible. With shorter international and domestic flights, start-up companies can reach investors and employees without additional time zone crunching.A bustling metropolis, New York offers relocating employees a wealth of opportunities to take advantage of outside of work. For the young entrepreneur, working hours can be thought of as waking hours: whenever you are awake, you’re working. This creates an environment where it is completely reasonable to be working on a new coding sequence until 2 a.m. and suddenly realize that you are starving. Finding a restaurant open at that time of the morning? Not a problem for the start-up based in New York.The streets in New York are a cross section of cultures and industries and have become rich in potential for start-ups. This climate of diversity lends itself to creativity and innovation unlike any other location. With the wide range of cultures all centrally located around the city, start-ups can draw on the rich heritage of the city to springboard their way to success and appeal to the broader public. In addition, the diverse cultural atmosphere of the city gives a multi-cultural appeal to the developers and programmers who may be moving to New York.Another aspect of location is the proces s of getting your product into consumer’s hands. As a major hub of the United States, New York city is both an airport terminal and a shipping terminal. This can benefit the start-up that is outsourcing product around the world in large quantities; shipping via barge to China or other factories can be handled easily from the city. This reduces costs, transit time and complications as everything is near the company headquarters.2. TAX INCENTIVESNew initiatives make New York tax incentives increasingly attractive to start-up corporations. Start-Up NY has been touted as the most ambitious growth plan New York has seen. Developing specific tax free zones, the governor of NY has set his sights on an active, evolving start-up market that draws on the resources within the state. Designed to correlate to schools and colleges, the plan allows for a relationship between business and education that is focused on enterprise. The tax free zones are alWith the development of Start-Up NY’s tax free areas, businesses are encouraged to take advantage of the deductions, credits and exemptions the state offers. In an effort to develop and keep businesses, the tax free zone allows businesses to eliminate tax liability when they operate within a specified tax free district. This incentive applies to organization tax and license fees, commuter transportation taxes, real estate taxes and personal income taxes.Critics of the tax free zones claim that the political posturing that results from these zones is the only real benefit. They criticize the plan as being so stringent and narrow in scope that very few will actually be able to take advantage of them. In addition, they are skeptical that the areas established as tax free zones will be locations that companies will want to operate in. The nay-sayers are vocal in their dismay over what seems to be a lot of big talk with very few actual positive results.Advocates for the plan, however, are hopeful that the new focus on attractin g start-ups to the New York area will bring a new surge of companies. It may not be a perfect plan, but is the first in what appears to be a long standing plan to improve the New York landscape with innovation and progress. They are adamant that by offering tax incentives to companies, the companies will be more likely to choose the New York area for their location.3. LEGAL INCENTIVESSpecific legal incentives for New York’s start-up hub are not as robust as other areas. The recent Start-Up New York initiative is beginning to change the incentives available but the process can be slow. However, due to the overall importance of the city, NY boasts branches of some of the largest law firms in the country. Having well-qualified legal counsel nearby gives start-up providers the guidance and backing they need to secure investments and funding in a legally binding transaction. Start-ups can choose from some of the largest names in legal counsel to help guide them through the process of d eveloping their company. As more start-ups flock towards New York, the lawyers who have specialized in the start-up regulations will become more commonplace.4. AVAILABILITY OF INVESTORSAs a financial powerhouse, New York has some of the leading Venture Capital firms, angel investors and other equity investors already in the area â€" making it easier to promote the start-up to potential investors. Having a ‘home town’ advantage can be huge when considering approaching investors â€" they like to feel as though they can keep an eye on their investment easily if it is located within a short cab ride.Another benefit to the New York start-up hub is the convergence of several key areas: fashion, finance, media, and advertising all within the city. This creates an atmosphere where collaboration or key partnerships can easily be formed, increasing the potential for success. The overall importance of innovation in all areas means that there is a wealth of investors who are looking for a d iverse portfolio. Venture capital firms are beginning to notice the entrepreneurial atmosphere that is rising in New York and have begun to put their money towards encouraging that growth. Within the last few years, venture investors have put more money into New York start-ups than Silicon Valley. This indicates a growing recognition that there are innovations taking place in the Big Apple that aren’t being seen in other places around the world.New York investors are relatively new to the start-up investing world. With that in mind, it is foolish to try to compare the investment strategies and successes of the long-established Silicon Valley with the relatively inexperienced New York market. Most tech start-ups don’t begin to truly reach their potential until after they have been working for at least 10 years. New York’s start-up history has not had enough time to fully develop, so the successes are still few. The challenge for New York investors will be to hold onto their inv estments long enough to see the larger payoff that some of the big Silicon Valley companies have become famous for.Funding Availability in New York 5. AVAILABILITY OF LOCAL RESOURCES AND WORKFORCEThe diversity of New York’s citizenship allows for newly arrived immigrants and companies to feel at home. There are a diverse number of cultural opportunities which will help make the company owner and potential employees feel at home in the Big Apple.In addition, the nearby colleges and universities add to the quality of academic resources available for the start-up. This pool of well-educated personnel can improve training opportunities; and provide an ever ready collection of readily available staff or consultants. Established networks among students will extend far beyond the walls of the classroom, as students become employees and then entrepreneurs. The connections that they make can last for years, and can become the potential for collaboration and future jobs.With several recent start-up success stories located in the New York area, web developers are increasingly attracted to the modern city. As an added bonus, while some of the larger tech companies establish offices in the New York area, growing pools of engineers have moved into the area to work. Brought in to work at companies like Facebook and Twitter, the developers, programmers and engineers relocate to the Big Apple. As a result, other companies have begun to take advantage of the growing tech workforce. Building on the success of other start-ups, commerce has begun to realize that start-ups can succeed among the high rises.6. SPECIALIZATIONThe diversity of New York’s start-ups make it attractive to a range of industries: social media, mobile services and e-commerce have all found a foothold within in the streets of New York. This creates an environment where collaboration is not only smart, it is easily managed. Start-ups that develop out of existing industries have an advantage when the key p articipants have a familiarity with the benefits and incentives that exist in a location. Shoptiques, an online boutique, got its start in New York because of the fashion industry that has already dominated the area. By combining two great industries: fashion and technology, the founder of Shoptiques was able to capitalize on her pre-existing knowledge of the fashion industry to create a successful start-up launch.Startup New York Key start-ups that can trace their beginning to the fabled New York streets include: Foursquare, Kickstarter, the Muse, Birchbox and BuzzFeed. These start-ups are a cross-section of industries that clearly demonstrates the diversity that New York is faced with. Ranging from a crowd-source funding venture (Kickstarter), a career motivator (the Muse), a subscription beauty products box (Birchbox) and an internet news source (BuzzFeed). It is interesting to note the unique combination of industries that not only begin in New York, but thrive there as well.Unl ike other start-up hubs that seem to focus on a particular industry, New York has not established a clear identity of the types of start-ups most prevalent. Initial users of the new Start-Up NY plan are primarily biotech/medical companies, which perhaps may be an indication of the direction that New York will take as a hub. With a biotech incubator already established, a second-stage growth terminal ready, and a facility for mature companies prepared, New York is strategically positioning itself for future growth.The growing popularity of New York as a start-up hub is due, in part, to the concerted effort that the government of the state is making. By establishing tech start-up as a priority, the full force of the government will be behind the start-up and give them the tools that they need to succeed. The attractive environment that is bursting with available resources, ready-made workforce and a culture that thrives on activity and innovation is key to the continuing development t hat New York is making. Establishing itself as a market for start-ups will take effort, but the payoff is immense. Drawing innovative technology, engineering, programming and other creative endeavors into the New York area will generate an atmosphere where form meets function, and the only limit is what you can conceive.Often, necessity is the mother of invention. In some cases, products and services are developed as a response to a need or a crisis. In the world of start-ups, however, the impetus may simply be a desire to see what is possible. With world-class developers, the possibilities truly are endless. Ideas and products become realities when creativity abounds, without limitations or rules. While it may take twenty to thirty years to fully realize a well-developed start-up hub, the savvy investor knows that good things come to those who wait. The watchful eyes of investors all over the world will be tuned toward New York in the coming years. As it struggles to establish itse lf as a powerhouse in yet another area, it is determined to succeed on all fronts. Knowing how successful NY had been in other areas, one can easily make the prediction that they will once again rule.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Absolute Beginner English Basic Adjectives
When absolute beginner students are able to identify a number of basic objects, that is a good time to introduce some basic adjectives to describe those objects. You will need to have some illustrations of similar objects that look slightly different. Its helpful to have them mounted on the same size of cardstock and have them big enough to show to everyone in the classroom. For Part III of this lesson, you will want to have, at minimum, one image per student. Preparation Prepare the lesson by writing a number of adjectives on the board. Use adjectives that are paired in opposites, such as the following: beautifulâ€â€uglyoldâ€â€newhotâ€â€coldoldâ€â€youngbigâ€â€smallcheapâ€â€expensivethickâ€â€thinemptyâ€â€full Notice that you should use adjectives that describe the outward appearance of things because students have learned only basic everyday object vocabulary prior to this. Part I: Introducing Adjectives Teacher: (Take two illustrations that show similar things in different states.) This is an old car. This is a new car. Teacher: (Take two illustrations that show similar things in different states.) This is an empty glass. This is a full glass. Continue pointing out the differences between the various things. Part II: Getting Students to Describe Illustrations After you feel comfortable that students are familiar with these new adjectives, begin to ask students questions. Stress that students should answer in complete sentences. Teacher: What is this? Student(s): That is an old house. Teacher: What is this? Student(s): That is a cheap shirt. Continue choosing between the various objects. Besides the traditional calling on individual students for answers, you can also make a circle game out of this activity. Turn over the images onto a table and have students each choose one from the pile (or hand them out facedown). Then each student flips over the image and describes it. After each student has had a turn, mix up the images and have everyone draw again. Part III: Students Ask Questions For this circle game, hand out the various images to the students. The first student, student A, asks the student to his/her left, student B, about the image. Student B responds and then asks the student to his/her left, student C, about Bs image, and so on around the room. For additional practice, reverse the circle so that every student gets to ask and respond about two images. If it will take too long to go around a circle because of the class size, have students pair off and discuss their images. They can then switch pairs with people near them or trade images. Teacher: (Student A name), ask (student B name) a question. Student A: Is this a new hat? OR What is this? Student B: Yes, that is a new hat. OR No, that isnt a new hat. It is an old hat. Questions continue around the room. Part III: Alternative If you want to create a mingle with this activity, deal an image to each student, facedown. Students cannot show anyone their image and instead need to find the opposite of the one they have, like an interactive Go-Fish game. If you have an odd number of students, include yourself in the mingle. Alternates are listed in case students have not had do or where yet. For example: Student A: Do you have an old house? OR Where is the old house? OR Are you the old house? I have the new house OR I am the new house. Student B: I have an expensive bag. I am not the old house.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Culinary And Social Culture Of New Orleans Essay - 1135 Words
For more than two centuries, coffee has long been a fundamental part of the culinary and social culture of New Orleans. It’s not just the city’s penchant for chicory cafà © au lait served alongside warm beignets. Nor is it just landmark gathering spots like Cafà © du Monde or Morning Call Coffee Stand that spawned the notion of the laborers’ coffee break and served locals and tourists for generations. And it isn’t solely boozy Cafà © Brulà ´t, the brandy-spiked coffee drink New Orleans families serve in slender china cups that makes New Orleans a true coffee town. Alongside these the gustatory expressions is the city’s historic and long-standing role in the coffee trade. New Orleans has been a significant coffee port for more than 200 years. Since the early 19th century, import companies have brought in green coffee beans from around the world through the Port of New Orleans. Today, it is the second-largest coffee port in the country. Among those importers, Westfeldt Brothers Inc. is one of the oldest of its kind in the United States. The company was first founded in Mobile, Alabama, in 1851 by Swedish Vice Consul Gustavus Adolphus George Westfeldt, who had immigrated to the U.S. in 1835. Westfeldt moved to New Orleans in 1853. By 1880, his company had become one of the country’s principal green coffee importers. Since then, it has been run by six generations of Westfeldts. The latest generation is the first to be represented by a woman. Shelby Westfeldt Mills, Alabama, joinedShow MoreRelatedEssay on History Of Cajun Cuisine1305 Words  | 6 PagesAcadian immigrants arrived in New Orleans. They were met by a tepid Spanish government that was eager to relocate the settlers to more rural areas. These included the regions north of New Orleans along the Mississippi River, as well as the prairie lands of Southwest Louisiana. The Acadians newly settled into the river basin soon found difficulty in growing their familiar crops of grain and cool weather vegetables. The heat and humidity required the Cajuns to adapt to a new environment and diet. AssistanceRead MoreA Study On New Orleans Essay1080 Words  | 5 Pagesfundamental part of the culinary and social culture of New Orleans. It’s not just the city’s penchant for chicory cafà © au lait served alongside warm beignets. Nor is it just landmark gathering spots like Cafà © du Monde and or Morning Call Coffee Stand that spawned the notion of the laborers’ coffee break and served locals and tourists for generations. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Benefits of Ielts Good Essay Samples
The Benefits of Ielts Good Essay Samples The Ielts Good Essay Samples Game The number of grammatical constructions used seems quite excellent. An interesting mixture of complex grammar structures will also need to be produced. If you use this structure you won't only score higher marks but you'll also save time in the exam. The writing test is marked employing a 9-band scale, like the other sections of the test. Details of Ielts Good Essay Samples Folks need to be careful to underestimate the worth and power of knowledge. Secondly, Facebook also has social groups that offer individuals an opportunity to meet and take part in discussions with those who share common interests. Around the planet, children often utilize computers from a really young age. For instance, some children utilize the web to find information on unique subjects. Life, Death and Ielts Good Essay Samples There are lots of things to be considered on deciding the retirement age. To summarize, while undou btedly people may benefit enormously from a glittering career, there continue to be plenty of significant elements which might allow them to lead a joyful life. So if people obtain a worthwhile job which blooms, their lifetime will probably be full of human well-being. A great majority of people perceivea meaningful life as helping others residing in poor and underprivileged ailments. Certainly, money is a significant role in our lives. Hence, it's said, marry for money is right in some degree. So, for a lot of people, it may appear appropriate to marry for money as opposed to love. To a lot of individuals, it's appropriate to marry for money as opposed to love. Scientist agree people are damaging their health by eating an excessive amount of junk food. In this instance, education hardly makes a difference as they've made a selection. Some people today say that the very best approach to improve public health is by increasing the range of sports facilities. Emotional wellness is also an essential part in us, as individuals. On the flip side, some people today doubt the potency of education for certain factors. Firstly, many quick food products provide very little if any information on the nutritional content inside them, deterring the consumers from knowing the sum of fat, sodium or cholesterol that they take in. Also, certain kinds of information in the incorrect hands can be devastating for society. The worst thing which we're able to do is to deprive ourselves of excellent well-being. Some facets of celebrity culture have a poor influence on young folks. From a personal perspective, computers can help young folks to learn more concerning the world. There are several ecofriendly technological alternatives to what society utilizes today that are not as damaging for nature. Freedom of expression and speech is an important portion of the majority of modern societies. Ielts Good Essay Samples - the Conspiracy Looking at IELTS essay topics with answers is a significant method that will help you to get ready for the test. When you have gathered ideas on the subject, you should properly place your thoughts into words. You have to answer the questions you're asked. Try to remember that you're supposed to answer the question not write generally about this issue. The Basics of Ielts Good Essay Samples If you practice enough, introductions will get easy and you'll do them in only a couple of minutes. This will leave you plenty of time to center on the primary body paragraphs where you are able to pick up lots of mark. Now, cars are a really popular means of getting around. First, the essay will talk about the value of parental involvement during childhood and second, the essay will appear at the significance of experiencing a part-time job during childhood. An essay outline is a set of ideas and ideas related to the subject issue. This is definitely the most important sentence in the essay. This is definitely the most important sentence in your essay. Again, your primary body paragraphs should have just one main idea so that it should be simple to spot these and then compose a sentence about them. It's a fundamental thing for virtually any essay, as in the event that you need to state your thought in how it'll be good perceived, you should structure your text well. We've got a book that could help to boost your grammar and sentence formation, teach you just how to connect your ideas better and supply you with a wide variety of appropriate, higher level vocabulary. You should have just one primary idea per paragraph. What Is So Fascinating About Ielts Good Essay Samples? Our sample essay has a straightforward but superior introduction in which it demonstrates that the examinee has knowledge of this issue and clearly states the writer's position to prepare the remainder of the essay. This outline is basic for practically any essay. There haven't been any major changes to IELTS essay topics in the past several years. It is essential that the examiner can observe how good you're at distinct kinds of writing. The introduction is the initial area of the essay the examiner will read and it'll give them a fantastic first impression of what things to expect in the remaining portion of the essay. Take a look at our essay correction services.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Employment Relations in Fair Work Australia †
Question: Discuss about the Employment Relations in Fair Work Australia. Answer: Introduction Fair work commission is also recognized as the fair work Australia. It is Australian industrial dealing court which is shaped by the Fair work act in 2009. It also form a part of Rudd government reform which is concerned with industrial relation in Australia. The fair work commission is a function which consists of setting and varying the awards which are related with the industry and with the minimum fixation of wages. It is a part of successor body of Australian industrial relation commission and has completed the functions which are concerned with the workplace ability and with the Australian Fair pay commission. The fair work commission is an autonomous body which is concerned with the authority which control the requirements which are concerned with enterprise bargaining (Bryson, Forth Laroche, 2011). The fair wage Act creates a national system which regulates the industrial relation with Australia. Each state can give their industrial power to the commonwealth. The employees s hould be taken into consideration under national Fair Work Act. The fair work commission has taken into consideration the roles which are concerned with the Australian industrial relation commission and gives focus on the dispute of the workplace and on industrial performance. It has conducted the process which determines national industrial relation policy which consists of minimum wages and which regulates the system which is related with award. As the implementation take place of the Fair wage act in all the states and Western Australia has given their power to the common wealth. Enterprise bargaining is a process in which negotiation is done between the employer and the employees who are working in the organization and bargaining give focus on the goal of managing and making the agreement which is related with the enterprise (Tapia Turner,2013). The fair work act 2009 gives a place of system and obligation about how to conduct the procedure and also it take into consideration t he rules which are related with bargaining and also enterprise agreements. It is related with how the agreement is approved and conducted. There are many situations in which agreement that are related with bargaining for enterprise may stand at the point where it is difficult to continue because there are various issues that cannot be resolved easily between them. In this situation the parties can take help from the fair wage commission to take assistance to reach the agreement which are related with the issue and also helps to finish making the agreement related with enterprise (Rosemain Viscusi, 2015). A representative related with bargaining can take into consideration the commission for a bargaining command in the context with the agreement. If the representative concerned with bargaining has concerns related with good faith or with the process of bargaining then is not reasonable or effective. The representative who has a connection with bargaining for a future single enterpris e agreement can consider or apply commission for an order which specifies the employer and also the workers who are enclosed under proposed agreement. Factors which should be taken into consideration by the commission is deciding the scope which include bargaining for agreement that is fair and also all the employees that are covered under the agreement or not. If the representative who is related with bargaining has more bargaining orders then commission can make a serious break statement .These should be serious and have a significant damaged bargaining in relation with the contract (Gahan Pekarek, 2012). Bargaining representatives take into consideration the action in a good faith that has a connection with the planning structure of an enterprise bargaining. There are many bargaining requirements which are concerned with good faith in the method of bargaining that is for a selected enterprise agreement. One is to attend and participate in the meetings which are concerned with reasonable times. Also to disclose the information which are confidential in a timely way (OLeary, 2017). It is taken into consideration that a good faith bargaining do not need any bargaining representative to make concession which are related with bargaining for agreement. The fair work commission considers and approves the enterprise agreement that it required to be satisfied in relation with the agreement that will not affect the good faith bargaining by one or more bargaining representative for an agreement that is planned for an enterprise. A representative concerned with bargaining of an employee who is e nclosed under the contract must not involve in pattern bargaining in relation with the agreement. Pattern bargaining has a connection when an agent needs to show two or more future venture agreement and who have an ordinary agreement with two or more employees. If the representative is actually demanding to reach the agreement then it is not considered as a pattern bargaining (Ibsen, 2016). If there is a bargaining dispute there may be many factors for instance if a party is not bargain in a good faith then bargaining disputes can arise and if it is not resolved then fair work commission can be applied for resolving a disputes which can be taken into consideration. The fair commission create issues which are related with bargaining order and also with planned contract. A bargaining order considers those actions that the fair wage mission wants to implement and also it is considered because it is essential to support.(Moore Tailby, 2015). When considering bargaining order then fair commission must be taken into consideration and should be fulfilled. The candidate has to give notification about the relevant bargaining and that will give help to access the productivity and service which is necessary at the time of delivery improvement. The bargaining power concerned with employers and employees are concerned or not are taken into consideration. The fair Work Act 2009 gives an easy, elastic and also fair structure that gives helps to the employers and employees that bargain in high-quality faith and also make an agreement that is concerned with enterprise. The employer should give information that is correct to be represented by a bargaining representative at the time of bargaining of a venture (Westacott, 2017). The notification should be covered and provided to current employees who will be enclosed by the agreement under the enterprise. An employer who is concerned with the Greenfield agreement should give a paper to conduct observation that has a connection with each employee of the organization that is concerned with the bargaining representative for the proposed agreement. The notice should contain the start date of the six month negotiation period for the contract. A bargaining representative is the individual or the organization that each party is concerned about and also with the enterprise contract that appoints th em to give the responsibility at the time of bargaining process (Izzo, 2016). The fair work Act 2009 take into consideration the subsequent as a bargaining representative. That consists of an employer that will be considered to be enclosed under the agreement. A trade union has many members who will be enclosed under the agreement. Also a trade union that has a practical fair work commission for a low salaried authorisation is related with the contract. For all the workers who are the member of the trade union takes into consideration the employee who is considered as the other employee. The employee can generally be the member of the trade union; the bargaining representative can be in trade union unless and until the employee appoint another person. The employees have the control to appoint any one they desire as a bargaining representative which can include themselves (Stevens, 2017). Under the Fair work Act 2009, there are many venture agreements which can be ready: a) Single enterprise agreement: This contract is complete among an individual employer and also the workers who are working at the time when the contract is made and then they will be covered under the Single contract. They can also be considered as an employer who is authorised as single interest employers by the Fair wage commission which can be franchisees or it can be by previous employers where the minister for employment has made a statement in context to that. b) Multi enterprise agreement: This agreement is made among two or more employers that are taken into consideration and employed when the agreement is made and also by considering that who will be covered by the agreement (Freyens Oslington, 2013). c) Greenfields agreement: This agreement is considered as a venture agreement that has a family member to a new enterprise employer by considering that before the employment of any employees. This can be only enterprise agreement or can be a multi enterprise agreement. The party who are concerned in the agreement are the employer and can be one or many employees who are usually associated as a trade union (Buckley Casson, 2016). An enterprise agreement is an agreement which gives permission that is related with the relationship between the employer and the employees who are enclosed under the agreement. Also enterprise agreement is among more than one employer and their employees which are particular in the agreement. The enterprise agreements are done by parties on a collective bargaining which is in good faith and also which is on enterprise point. In the fair work act 2009 the venture means any type of business, activity or any undertaking. A bargaining representatives or a trade union can relate to the fair work commission which has a very low salaried bargaining authorisation. There are many factors which should be included in fair work commission. One of them is enterprise agreement (Creighton, Denvir, Johnstone McCrystal, 2016). The enterprise agreement will not comprise any unlawful content. This consists of an unfair term, an objectionable term which requires and also allows payment of the bargaini ng services fee. It is a term that confers a remedy which is in relation to unfair dismissal before the minimum employment period that is completed or taken into consideration. Also a term which allows the exercise of any state which is different to the rights to set out the entry provisions that are concerned with the Fair work Act 2009. The fair work commission does not take into consideration the enterprise agreements for any unlawful context. If once the bargaining is completed then it should conduct a ballot by the employees who will be covered under the agreement (Bray, Waring, Cooper Macneil,2014). Before considering the vote for the support of the employees, the employer should take into consideration the seven periods prior to voting for the agreement and also the employees should have enterprise agreement. The employer should also take into consideration the time and position of the voting and also the voting method that will help them (Coddington, 2013).They will also ta ke all the practical steps which make sure the conditions of the enterprise agreement and also give consequence which are explained efficiently to the employees. The explanation should be provided in a proper manner. Employees will endorse the agreement which is related with the voting. The vote cannot take position until the date of 21 days from the date of employees which has notified their rights that should be there in bargaining representative. The vote has achieved success when one of the following conditions takes place: a) Single enterprise agreement: When many of the employees of the employer have a valid caste which gives endorsement to the agreement (Howell, 2016). b) Multi enterprise agreement: There are many employees that should have at least one employer who has a valid vote which is endorsed by the contract. The multiple enterprise agreement consist employers whose employees have voted to take improvement of the agreement. After the vote the agreement should be mixed and also the workers should be removed who have not given improvement to the agreement (Stewart, Bray, Macneil Oxenbridge, 2014). Conclusion: In this essay the role is discussed of the fair commission in the enterprise bargaining. The fair work commission act is implemented which take into consideration all the procedures of the enterprise bargaining. All the role of the fair commission is discussed in the essay. References: Bray, M, Waring, P, Cooper, R Macneil, J.( 2014). Employment relations: Theory and practice, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill Education (Australia), North Ryde. Buckley, P. J., Casson, M. (2016).The future of the multinational enterprise. Springer. Coddington, A. (2013).Theories of the bargaining process(Vol. 2). Routledge. Creighton, B., Denvir, C., Johnstone, R., McCrystal, S. (2016). Protected Action Ballots and Protected Industrial Action Under the Fair Work Act: The Impact of Ballot Procedures on Enterprise Bargaining ProcessesMethodological Approach. Freyens, B. P., Oslington, P. (2013). A first look at incidence and outcomes of unfair dismissal claims under Fair Work, WorkChoices and the Workplace Relations Act.Australian Journal of Labour Economics,16(2), 295. Howell, C. (2016). Regulating class in the neoliberal era: the role of the state in the restructuring of work and employment relations.Work, employment and society,30(4), 573-589. Ibsen, CL. (2016).Making sense of employer collectivism The case of Danish wage bargaining under recession, Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 669687. Izzo, L. (2016). Employment: The casual conundrum: Casual employment in the fair work world.LSJ: Law Society of NSW Journal, (21), 82. Moore, S., Tailby, S. (2015). The changing face of employment relations: equality and diversity.Employee Relations,37(6), 705-719. OLeary, L. (2017). Introduction. InEmployment and Labour Relations Law in the Premier League, NBA and International Rugby Union(pp. 1-18). TMC Asser Press. Rosemain, M Viscusi, G. (2015). Daimler tries to kill French 35-hour law, Australian Financial Review, 14 August, pp. 30. Stewart, A. J., Bray, M., Macneil, J., Oxenbridge, S. (2014). 'Promoting cooperative and productive workplace relations': exploring the Fair Work Commission's new role. Tapia, M Turner, L.(2013). Union campaigns as countermovements: mobilizing immigrant workers in France and the United Kingdom British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 601-622. Gahan, P Pekarek, A( 2012). The rise and rise of enterprise bargaining in Australia, 1991-2011, Labour and Industry, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 195-222. Stevens, M. (2017). Brutally honest of broken system, Australian Financial Review, 23 January, pp. 28. Westacott, J. (2017). Enterprise bargaining on the brink, Australian Financial Review, 2 February, pp. 34.
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