Thursday, October 17, 2019

Good Grocers, Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Good Grocers, Inc - Essay Example This calls for the consideration of a mediator’s assistance. In addition, since ,mediation can be applied at any stage of a conflict, the two parties may consider adopting it. The mediator will support the two parties in exploring ways through which they can resolve their differences. Each of the parties may or may not consider a lawyer’s services when going to the mediation. This will depend on the nature of the problem (LexisNexis, 2013, p.78): the problem seems a bit serous since the customer plans to sue the manager, therefore, both parties may need a lawyer. Both parties must always consult their attorney before finalizing the agreement so that they can be sure that they have made complete informed decisions. This will also enable them determine whether all their rights are protected. In this situation, the mediator will help manage the mediation process and facilitate reconciliation between the two conflicting parties. The mediator will not determine the decision nor enforce an agreement. The two parties will participate directly and will be responsible for devising and enforcing their own agreement or settlement. The mediation can be done at the mediator’s office or an agreed location. When the mediation commences, the mediator will explain the process and the essentials such as rules. Either parties or their respective attorneys will have the chance of explaining their opinions in consideration to the dispute. The mediator will support them in understanding each other’s opinion. In some instance, the mediator may meet each of them separately. This may assist in addressing factual and emotional issues and offer both sides the time to receive legal advice from their attorney (LexisNexis, 2013, p.79). Generally, the agreements may be creative. The two parties may end up reaching a solution that is not present in a court of law. For instance, the manger after an agreement with the customer, may

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