Monday, October 21, 2019

My Girl essays

My Girl essays The 1991 movie My Girl directed by Howard Zieff is a story of two eleven year old friends? last summer together. Vada and Thomas Jay show the special relationship they have and the love that they share even through death. Vada continues to demonstrate her love for Thomas Jay and her sorrow through her own poem written shortly after his funeral. The thought of a person's first encounter with love is usually a sweet memory. Through Vada's poem about Thomas Jay's death you can clearly see that her first touch of love is both sweet and sad. After she has been to her best friend's funeral Vada is forced to deal with her true feelings about him. While standing in front of a class of adult poetry students she recites this poem: Weeping willow with your tears running down Do you long for the happiness that day will bring? You thought his laughter would never fade There is something to calm your fears You think death has ripped you forever apart But I know he?ll always be in your heart. The weeping willow tree in this poem is where Vada and Thomas Jay would spend most of their time by the lake. Her use of personification with this tree shows that she is still not sure how to accept that these are her feelings. By using the tree she can make the audience think of the times they shared at the weeping willow rather than her sadness about seeing this place without Thomas Jay. The questions asked to the weeping willow in Vada's poem are representing her inability to fathom his death. When she asks,Why do you always make me frown she is wondering why she is so lonely without Thomas Jay around. She was not aware of how much he meant to her until he passed away. After his death she comes to see that he loved her and as ...

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